Sunday, June 28, 2009

My First "Official" Blog!!!!

This is exciting, my first blog spot!!

Normally, I would not create a page solely for me to pour out my thoughts and emotions. However, I've learned, for me, sometimes the best way to get through or understand situations is to simply right them down. So to all those blog haters, I apologize I'll do my best to make it interesting and less melodramatic.

Well what do I write about today? How do I start this off? Ah, I know. I'll fill you in on who I am and how I came to the decision to make a blog spot!

If you've never met me, my name is Karah. I'm not an extravagant person, even though sometimes I wish to be. I'm just a typical college student with basically no life, no job, and an enormous amount of debt due to my college funds. Seems depressing, but it's not. I'm very optimistic... my college degree will pay those debts off. My greatest debt, however, has already been paid... by the blood of my wonderful Savior, Jesus Christ, on a cross a little over 2000 years ago. If you have a debt that's unpaid... he will gladly take your burden. LET HIM!

This blog came about in a random round about way. I keep a journal and I was like what the heck it's basically the same thing. I've kept a journal for seven years, since I was thirteen, and with technology taking over everything this seems like a good way to keep it going.

Warning to those who read: My life is hectic...weird and dramatic things are always happening. I'm opinionated and no opinion is ment to degrad your own personal opinion, it's just my thoughts. I ask if you feel you won't be able to keep up or be understanding to my thoughts and emotions take this blog spot with a grain of salt....

May God Bless and Keep You All.... Till Next Time!!!

Karah Beth

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